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Sunrise Pashmina P. Ltd. Headquarters
Company Information
Sunrise Pashmina is an initiative of enthusiasts on mountain research and development. It aims to promote innovations in culture, arts and tourism products worldwide. Our mission is to provide the best alternative for organic fabric development to augment organic lifestyle of 21st century.We are developing organic cashmere in the HIMALAYAS of Nepal. Cashmere is one of the softest, lightest and warmest fabrics of the world. Organic cashmere is produced by indigenous hand-loom technology. This is an innovation of local farmers and craft-people of the Himalayas. We are committed to develop a standard system for producing premium quality organic cashmere products in Nepal. We are active in promoting these products in international market through business expos, arts and crafts exhibitions, presentations (in international conferences and seminars) and publications (in international journals).
Cashmere (also known as Pashmina) is one of the finest, softest and warmest wool found in nature. It comes from the underbelly of the mountain goats (Capra Hircus). The HIMALAYAS is the home for Capra Hircus. The majestic texture and warmth of this fabric has been appreciated very much by the users of Nepali-pashmina worldwide.