Tattoo Inventory Headquarters
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Tattoo Inventory is China's fastest growing�Tattoo Supplier. We have over 10 years of�experience supplying tattoo supplies and now�we are going global. We not only have our own�production factory, but we have many�connections with existing manufactures as�well. All of �name brand inks are imported�and are 100% genuine.Our prices are competitive and very�reasonable.If you're interested in tattoo�items on our website, you can place orders by�sending us emails. We will prepare for you�quickly and choose the most safe and cheapest�shipping for you! If you find a product that�isn't listed on Tattoo Inventory, just send�us pictures, we can get it for you!�Purchasing from a single supplier is not only�convenient but will save you hundreds if not�thousands in dollars in shipping and import�taxes.