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Temet Ltd Headquarters
Company Information
Dear Sir or Madam,We take pleasure in introducing our company "Manufacturing trading firm TEMET" Ltd. as one of biggest trader of asbestos packing products in Ukraine. We are in sealing products business since 1999. Our main trade business partners are big industrial enterprises in Ukraine and in CIS (Russia, Kazakhstan, Moldova, etc.).
At present time we already started business with asbestos free seal products.
Please consider our readiness to promote and move your product to Ukrainian growing market and provide us as much information about your product including description and FOB prices for the first testing shipment.
Volume of the first order might be up to 15 000 kilo in total during 3 months period just to test all logistic chain.
We can also represent your interest in Ukraine, providing certification of your products in Ukraine, promotion, advertising and other marketing support of your products and trading through our warehouse on consignment basis.
If our proposal meets your interest, please provide us with detailed list of asbestos gland packing, asbestos rope including their descriptions, technical characteristics and FOB prices.
Thanks and kind regards,
Dipl. Eng. Alexander Shevchenko
"Manufacturing trading firm TEMET" Ltd.
Office 411, 21, Vikentiya Khvoyka St.,
04080 Kiev, UKRAINE
Phone/ Fax: +380- 44-230.87.25
Contact person: Dr.Yuri Mikhnov Director on Business Development and Foreign Trade.