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TOPDATA Headquarters
Company Information
Topdata was founded in 1993 as a hardware and software development service provider in Brazil. At the beginning, these developments were focused mainly in the automation and telecommunications fields.In 1994, besides the services provided, our company started to develop its own products for time & attendance and access control.
Topdata then started to provide a total solution for time & attendance systems using the Inner data collector and TopPonto analysis software. This solution was very well accepted by the market and nowadays we have more than 30,000 systems installed. New products were created for the Inner line of products, bringing more options to the clients: Inner Turnstile, Inner Slim, Inner Plus and Inner Prox.
The excellent performance of Inner data collector for time & attendance applications motivated Topdata to research new applications for the product. New developments made Inner a highly versatile data collector which can be used either in packages provided by Topdata , or with any other system. Topdata developed communication libraries which can be used in DOS and WINDOWS systems, making Inner an extremely friendly open system.
From there on, Topdata has entered a new stage in which, besides looking for commercial partners (authorized resellers), it is looking also for systems development partners, interested in using Inner in their own applications.