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Trading House PROMTECHSTROY LLC Headquarters
Company Information
Trading House Promtechstroy LLC (Ukraine, Dnepr city) is stable and well-established company which has been actively working at construction market of Ukraine since 2008.
The Company specializes in production of crimped steel wire mesh (it is woven/knitted, not welded steel wire mesh), manufacturing the steel structures and providing different construction services.
The production facilities of the Company are certified according to ISO 9001:2015. Trading House Promtechstroy LLC is the participant of Ukrainian National Rating “Ukrcentre” and has the status of reliable company.
The Company has 3 (three) full cycle production lines on production of the crimped steel wire mesh, total capacity of the production is 1 000 MT of crimped steel wire mesh per year (or 300 000 m2 of crimped steel wire mesh per year) .
The company manufactures crimped carbon steel wire mesh and crimped zinc-coated/galvanized carbon steel wire mesh.
The crimped steel wire mesh is produced in the form of rectangular sheets with following dimensions (formats): 1 000 mm Ñ… 2 000 mm; 1 250 mm Ñ… 2 500 mm; 2 000 mm Ñ… 3 000 mm. Sizes of the holes in the crimped steel wire mesh are from 12Ñ…12 mm to 100Ñ…100 mm, diameters of wire are from 1,8 mm to 5,5 mm (please, see the enclosed booklet of the Company to take a look at our product range).
The Company can as well execute non-standard customized orders on production of the crimped steel wire mesh according to individual requirements of customers.
Area of application for crimped steel wire mesh is as follows:
-protective fencing of highways for animals’ lifesaving;
-reinforcement of concrete construction structures;
-fencing of the plots of land, industrial and private facilities;
-bulk materials screening;
-cages and houses for animals and birds;
-for mine working strengthening;
-for production of light steel structures;
-for reinforcement of heat insulating areas;
-production of stairs, shelf racks and counters structures.
Additional line of the Company’s products includes following customized products according to individual requirements of customers: fences and fencing systems, gates and wicket gates, cages for animals, enclosure structures for industrial enterprises.
For more detailed information, please, visit the web-site of the Company at www.promtechstroy.com.ua/en/, as well as, please, see the enclosed booklet of the Company.
Competitive advantages of our Company are as follows:
Good ratio between price and quality of the products
Logistical proximity to countries of Europe
Short lead time for orders (for example, our Company can manufacture 150 pieces of crimped steel wire mesh per day)
Simple and reliable products (lifetime of crimped steel wire mesh is up to 50 years)
Opportunity of customized orders execution according to individual requirements of customers
At current time Trading House Promtechstroy LLC actively searches for potential customers from European countries and the CIS countries, from Asia, from Africa, from Australia and invites interested parties to cooperation.
In case of your interest we can invite the representatives of your company to conduct the technical audit of our production facilities and hold the negotiations at our office, as well as we can come to your office for negotiations.
We look forward to receiving your inquiries on our products.
We hope for fruitful and long-term cooperation.
Best regards,
Export Sales Director
Trading House Promtechstroy LLC
8, Volodi Dubinina street,
Dnepr (Dnepropetrovsk) city, 49 000, Ukraine
Tel.: + 38 096 317 91 21 (viber,whatsapp)
Mob.tel.: +38 098 279 97 37 (viber, whatsapp)
Skype: Dmitry.patinka
E-mail: [email protected]
Website: www.promtechstroy.com.ua/en/