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VITAFARM MENA Headquarters
Company Information
The Group BERNARD is an agricultural trader since 1922, and a French national leaders.Subsidiary of the group, Bernard Nutrition Equine, today called HORSE UP, was born in 2002, thanks to a team of enthusiasts and horse’s experts.
We offer a full range of horse feeds, nutritional supplements and care products for your horse. Our products are for all the horses, from leisure horse to racing horse.
Our flaked and granular foods are formulated by the horse's nutrition experts to meet the needs of your horse based on age, activity and physiology.
Provide you quality food is our priority. Our raw materials are selected and traced to ensure you maximum quality. Our factory is ISO 9001 and Good Practices Guide for manufacture of compound feed. Our analysis processes and controls guarantee security and respect for the well-being of your horse.
Our technicians are present at all times to monitor and advise you, it is one of the strengths of our company. We provide technical monitoring throughout the process.