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The ecological environment of Taiwan is facing to the challenge as a result of plastics products waste could not be decomposed but cumulated gradually. Ecological environment preserving becomes the global consciousness and responsibilities that the environment is suffered from destruction by human civilization.In order to prevent ecological environment from deteriorating gradually and devote all our energies on earth, Wei Mon Industry Co., Ltd. (WMI) set up the Environmental Materials Division in 1999.
In the initial stage of the Division, WMI successfully made the cooperation with domestic and overseas experts for importing, opening up and developing an innovational material - Mater-Bi, which was a biodegradable material of Green Plastics, it could improve the conflicts and ruin of environment. As a result of certain kinds of techniques we could not overcome in proper applications, we turned to import the PLA which is produced by NatureWorks�®.
PLA stands for polylactic acid, or Polylactide. PLA, which was proceeding by extracting, fermenting and polymerizing, was 100% biodegradable materials made from corns. When PLA was in the composting environment, it could be become to carbon dioxide and water which were the growing requisites of plants by biodegradable decomposing. PLA is not only corresponded to the �Green Mark� in domestic standard, �U.S.A. COMPOSTABLE� standard and gets the certification of FDA (Food and Drug Administration), but has been extensively applied to different kinds products of plastics manufacturing. There are four major characters which are �Natural, � �Nontoxic, � �Green, � and �Sustainability� are corresponded to the Circle of Source Life, �Takes the sources from nature, and draws the sources back to nature.�
The new materials and techniques that WMI popularizes are not only help the environment and sources achieves to the sustainability, but also can be wished to help the conventional industries change into the hi-tech industries that also achieves to the sustainability development. WMI wishes the biodegradable materials can be popularized and spread from nation environmental policies to civilian living, from producing to eco protecting. Also, WMI expects it can help to improve the citizen consumption habits further, and makes the organic disuse utilizing and resource operating efficaciously. We are desirous of having the efforts on giving an impetus to make Taiwan as a resources sustainability environment.