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wholesale2buyer Global Trade CO., ltd reviews

2 reviews
tianan Fujian Quanzhou China
  • Overview

2 Reviews From Our Community

Observation for Iphones 100% Authenic Offer
I contacted this supplier regard the offer of 100% Authentic Iphones for sale. We have chatted a few times and I requested to see Current pictures of the stock with the date and his name in the picture. I receieved the first photo ad it clearly was a case Of a picture and it was clearly a Photo Shop made sign added to a photograph. I then requested another photo and same Fraud was done. Now this seller is Attempting to make me believe his items are authentic. I told him I knew the photo was a fraud and he admitted it was as he didnt have stock, Further more he admitted to only selling 1:1 Iphones and i should sell them with him and make each other money.I have the whole conversation saved if you would like a copy of the report. I spoke with Peter PS I am trying to upload the documents and It wont action it. I have the pictures he sent me, along witht he conversation. Looking forward to your reply to this Important matrer

Response for unsent item
I ordered and Apple Iphone 3GS 16gb. I paid last monday and until today(friday). I still havent received the tracking number. I think this is fraud.