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xunyinganfangkeji Co., ltd reviews

14 reviews
11-5 tanglang road,xilizhen,Nanshanqu Guangdong Shenzhen China
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3 Reviews From Our Community

Remark for problem with sellers,
My brothers loved the peace and mercy of God, I have bought iPhone 4G 32GB original unlocked, and I've paid with paypal bank, on 22 August 2010, is payment, € 282.71 EUR = $ 350.00 USD, of codes which name: (jing guo), his e-mail: from paypal bank ([email protected]) but unfortunately he took me to fraud, he has sent tricot, brand lacoste red color, with China ems courier, with Invoice No: EE439813770CN on: 08/26/2010, and before he has sent an e-mail breif tops that to me, with No: EE439813770CN, I said I think he would send me iphone 4g, but unfortunately very Send me tricot. but my God why vendor has not done well for me, and I have paid, please please please, open the problem, in the back my money or send iphone 4g, and I have sent many letter to the vendor via e-mail, problem but the vendor does not want to answer, and I've proved a lot against the vendor. please send the addressees, I send the invoice with tricot number of EMS to honor Dear brothers and a beautiful tribute, as long as you are in God's care and save it. Thank you and peace. Your brother in God's Abdelouahed.

Feedback for Fraud by your member, takes money and not sending item and blackmailing me by demanding
I recieved a mail from your member Mr. Guangwen Liao (CEO) xunyinganfangkeji Co., ltd on 7/28/2010 09:47:07 on want a iphone . I purchased 3 piece Apple iphone 3GS 16GB ( Item ID-0021) from seller on 6th Aug 2010.He sent the invoice in PayPal of 450USD. Invoice in Paypal contains iphone details with my address. I paid the 450USD for sending 3 number of Apple iphone 3GS 16GB and requested him to send thru DHL and on my address written in PayPal. Seller sent the shipment through DHL and given me DHL AWB no- 3011757475 for online tracking and written my wrong shipment address but I managed to correct my address by contacting DHL customer care. one piece of PLASTIC CRFT reached to me on 12th August 2010 but its weight is less than 200 gm and its price is 0.5 USD only.Seller send me one plastic craft in place of 3 no iphone 3gs 16gb . and I seen its invoice attached with shipment, it is written ( item-Plastic Craft, Value- 0.5 USD, One item) . I did not receive the item from DHL and returned back because it was not matching with the actual invoice sent to me. Immediately I contacted to seller and informed about incorrect shipment. You accepted his fault and informed me that he sent the incorrect item by his mistake and he will resend the item within 1-2 days. He informed me on 13th August 2010 that he has sent the correct item and given me the DHL Tracking no- 1150200890 for online tracking. But I am not able to track the item. I contacted DHL customer care with all details alonwith tracking number. DHL replied to me that DHL neither having any item of tracking number - 1150200890 nor having any shipment for my address from seller. And suggested me to contact seller. I am regularly contacting Mr liaoguangwen on [email protected] even every day to send me the correct tracking number or asking whether he sent the item of not. But unfortunately he stops communication with me . Today, I chat with seller on window live, he informed me that This item is caught by Chinese custom and demanding more 300 USD for custom clearance. He told me that if i pay 300 USD then he will resend the item otherwise my money is lost. He never told me earlier nor mentined in invoice. He first cheated me by sending wrong item(Plastic craft) and then demanding more money for sending the correct item. This not business ethics. I am cheated by your member Mr. Guangwen Liao (CEO), xunyinganfangkeji Co., ltd and black mailing me by demanding more money. Please look into this matter. I'll give all email conversation as and when you want. I hope a help from you. Thank you

Comment for this person
this peson sent me 2 toy big banks did not send6iphone 4,s